
Anatomical Models

Anatomical Models
Section as a wide variety if models which a great for teaching about breast (male and female) and testicular cancer, general anatomy and reproductive anatomy. Also there are a number of posters and charts

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Condom Demonstrator with Ejaculating Function - FLESH (FCDS3EJ)

Product no.: 47

£59.95 *
In stock
Delivery weight: 0.37 kg


Product no.: 3

£82.49 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

Breast Awareness Model - WHITE (4TS-AMB10-W)

Product no.: 8

£130.00 *
Delivery weight: 1.5 kg

Body Graphics Cards x8 - ENGLISH (4TS-BGCEng)

Product no.: 25

£29.99 *
Delivery weight: 0.45 kg

Body Graphics Cards x8 - FRENCH (4TS-BGCFRENCH)

Product no.: 26

£29.99 *
Delivery weight: 0.45 kg

Body Graphics Cards x8 - GERMAN (4TS-BGCGERMAN)

Product no.: 27

£29.99 *
Delivery weight: 0.45 kg

Body Graphics Cards x8 - SPANISH (4TS-BGCSPANISH)

Product no.: 28

£29.99 *
Delivery weight: 0.45 kg

Body Graphics Cards x8 - ARABIC (4TS-BGCARABIC)

Product no.: 29

£29.99 *
Delivery weight: 0.45 kg

Body Graphics Cards x8 - URDU (4TS-BGCURDU)

Product no.: 30

£29.99 *
Delivery weight: 0.45 kg

Body Graphics Cards x8 - FARSI (4TS-BGCFARSI)

Product no.: 31

£29.99 *
Delivery weight: 0.45 kg

Body Graphics Cards x8 - KURDISH (4TS-BGCKURDISH)

Product no.: 32

£29.99 *
Delivery weight: 0.45 kg
* Prices plus VAT, plus delivery